By uHazFailedTotall - 03/03/2010 21:18 - Norway

Today, I managed to fall face-first into a used condom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 171
You deserved it 5 816

uHazFailedTotall tells us more.

my brother pushed me, and I tripped into the snow, where there was an used condom.

Top comments

orangesodaftw 0

How the hell do you fall face first into a condom? They are not even big enough to faceplant into.


OP: Thanks for having this FML because the comments of our people here have make me laugh on a day when MY life is effed for sure. I LOVE OUR COMMENTS. :)

YDI For sneaking around in your grandmother's bedroom.

Sounds faker than Pamela Anderson's boobs.

I understand sometimes it's important to think fast, but is _THAT_ the best excuse you could come up with on the spot? Innocent bystander: Excuse me, you seem to have something on your face. OP: What? Where? IB: Right there near your mouth. Oh. Oh my God. Is that - is that cum?!! OP: Oh!! Um. It might be. Um - well - yeah, there was this - um - condom on the ground see, and I - um - well - um - fell on it...? Um - with my face... IB: ....

my brother pushed me, and I tripped into the snow, where there was an used condom.

DeadxManxWalking 27

@LazyBastardGuy: but this makes it interesting for a follow up

mandiecait 0

hahahahhahahahahaha..sorry, OP but that's pretty funny!:D FYL!

greeneyedgoalie7 0
rockerwolf69 0

 I'm confused IS #187 SNICK AS WELL or just some asshole that's following snick? Either way I've been on her side every single time, really though, it isn't cool to talk shit about her, or anyone for that matter. She chewed me up before yet I'm still by her side. I'm not hatin on her cuz I can accept bein wrong even when I'm in a position or place where bein wrong doesn't matter (Internet). There's no need to bitch about something. It only make you look worse.

 HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HER. YOU ALL SHOULD BOW DOWN TO HER FOR HER AWESOMENESS. Once again, there's no need to hate on her. Accept what she tells you as a good thing. That way so many of these comments won't be about the same stupid shit (she's correcting you) and that way I won't get irritated and have to start commenting about taking her word instead and yea...I'm tired of it so stop bitching. THNX 