By uHazFailedTotall - 03/03/2010 21:18 - Norway

Today, I managed to fall face-first into a used condom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 171
You deserved it 5 817

uHazFailedTotall tells us more.

my brother pushed me, and I tripped into the snow, where there was an used condom.

Top comments

orangesodaftw 0

How the hell do you fall face first into a condom? They are not even big enough to faceplant into.


Olympian94 0

Snickerdoodles, you should be the one who deserved this FML. FYL.

wow it must have been one of those extra large ones

greeneyedgoalie7 0

25 wins, reading your comments makes people want to punch babies, snickers why do you hate babies??

redbeater 5

the condom was just between you and the floor. then you scremed as you fell, mouth first onto it.

Sometimes Karma bites you in the ass.. somtimes it slaps you in the face with a condom ;)

FYL only if the condom wasn't used by *you*.

How exactly does someone fall INTO a condom?

sheknowsohknows 0

Well. Yes, that is extremely disgusting but seriously!? This is a horrible FML...and whose condom did you even fall onto!?