By crapedup - 10/10/2011 23:11 - United States

Today, I mentioned to my wife that we should try marriage counseling. She responded by denying it while throwing a carton of milk at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 049
You deserved it 3 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Throw cookies back at her? That's how we solve things in my household.


Lauko 0

sounds like my boyfriend. lol

bubo_fml 10

The way she treats you is udderly atrocious! What a cow! If she doesn't get help, put her out to pasture! Sounds like she tried to "skim" "1%" or "2%" off your skull when she threw the carton at U...(Hey folks, I'm just tryin' 2 "milk" this 4 all it's worth!)

Women are not the only ones in abusive relationships. Sorry guy, I hope it gets better.

pennamay 11

I would try to sit down with her and talk calmly. And if she starts yelling and screaming just try your hardest not to retaliate. My mom is bipolar and depressed. She doesnt work and I'm homeschooled so it's like a living hell here. I know a few tips.

HOE = a garden tool. HO = short for "*****". Ironically, a ***** is also called a "rake".

This is a relationship from which you should run. Hard and fast. No looking back. Don't let her get anything from you, either. Alimony, my ass.

jessicawuvsya 0

My friend through a milk container at me so I through soda back It ended with the hole inside of the house covered in food and no food in the fridge

Well OP, you know what they say. No use crying.....*pause dramatically and put sunglasses on*....over spilled milk.....*walk away dramatically