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By Julian - 05/05/2021 02:01

Today, according to my wife, our life together is perfect. The only problem is that I no longer turn her on, haven’t for a while, so she wants my permission to have meaningless one-night stands with strangers on Tinder while carrying on with our perfect, sexless married life together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 172
You deserved it 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

time for you to get a divorce and your own tender account and find somebody you can have sex with sounds like your wife is just using you ,you know kind of like being gafted.

Squeezy Jibs 2

tell her that its a great idea. In fact, its such a great idea that you're going to divorce her so she can have all the meaningless sex she wants. seriously, divorce that bitch.


time for you to get a divorce and your own tender account and find somebody you can have sex with sounds like your wife is just using you ,you know kind of like being gafted.

Squeezy Jibs 2

tell her that its a great idea. In fact, its such a great idea that you're going to divorce her so she can have all the meaningless sex she wants. seriously, divorce that bitch.

Abandon ship! She wants the security of the marriage and none of the responsibility.

Yummi_913 18

Sex is not a responsibility, nor does anyone owe it to anyone (sex work aside). But yes, abandon ship. She definitely wants all the security while not being interested whatsoever in your needs or feelings

Sex is responsibility in the sense when they married they agreed to be exclusive partners. Then something happened and she asks permission to not be sex partners anymore, which apparently hurts him but to also pretend like their relationship is going great.

Sex, or at least sexual exclusivity is generally part of most people's expectation of marriage (If they agree on an open marriage beforehand, that's their prerogative.) It's not a "you have to have sex whenever I want," at least not in western society or anywhere with decent women's rights but it is a "you will have sex with me and no one else." So wanting the financial and emotional security of marriage without sexual exclusivity is reneging one of the key responsibilities under the implied agreement you made when getting married. And asking to change that years later, you can't really expect your spouse to just go along with it.

Yummi_913 18

@bogrbon I see. More of a responsibility towards fidelity and sexual loyalty as opposed to the act of sex itself being owed.

I agree with others. I'd hire a lawyer ASAP

you should say yes. as long as you can **** other people too

Yikes ! That's Brutal OP, sounds dysfunctional, Divorce that selfish leech

I would say, sign right here on these divorce papers if you want that privilege. Part of that "perfect life together" was the promise of fidelity. And if you can't do that, go right on out that door. And don't ask for alimony, and don't lie about why you're leaving to yourself and others.

get a divorce so you have financial freedom but stick with her if thats what you want. I will assume the fact you are saying this means you are not interested in other just try stack the deck on your side with sh8t hits the fan because it will