By philderichmond - 14/06/2009 02:24 - United States

Today, I met a cute girl at a dance club. I entered her number in my phone just before she left the club. With a proud smile, I turned the screen towards my buddy, showing off my accomplishment. Attempting to give me a friendly pat he accidentally closed my phone. I hadn't saved the number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 155
You deserved it 17 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you learned that next time you should save the number before you go bragging about it.


See this is why I always just bring a ******* pen. None of that "shit I didn't save it" bs.

There is a function on most phones that allows you to see the last numbers entered on the keypad even if it wasn't your last call.

Hey dumbass, before you go showing off next time, how about you hit that little green button that says SEND. Then, her number is in your call log and you can still show your friends. I can picture you now. "OMG GUYS, THIS CHICK GAVE ME HER NUMBER AND ITS NOT THE REJECTION HOTLINE. BEST PART, SHE'S NOT IMAGINARY! YAAAAAAAAY!" Sound about right? YDI, lol.

famouslove 0

Aww. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

NigNogIke 0

stab him with a knife and act like you tried to pat him on the back

That's why I always call and then cancel so I have the number in my phone before I put the name.

Auugghh that suckss!! Run after herrr!!

Rob731 0

That sucks gigantic hairy sweaty cum covered horse dicks