By DL06 - 08/04/2009 07:19 - United States

Today, I met a guy online. We talked all night long and hit it off amazingly. He told me he'd never felt that way about anyone else, and I agreed. He sent me a picture and he was gorgeous. I sent him one after he assured me he didn't care what I looked like. I haven't heard from him since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 517
You deserved it 12 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a tool. maybe he passed out from your good looks?

Many people say they don't care what you look like because that's the only way you'll agree to give them your picture....


UnCensoredBitch 0

awwww :( YDI tho for not already having a pic posted and trying to date online!

Chaith 16

Because you were so hesitant to send a picture that he had to drop that line to get one, he definitely got some pre-conceived notion that you weren't so great looking. A good plan if you were trying to keep the expectations low for setbacks. It's almost never the case that you are actually as ugly as you made this FML make you sound. Hope you come across some confidence in the future, and have a few happy endings along the way.

Oh Jebus, how many times have we heard this sob story already?

probably wasn't his real picture anyway

sodawater19 0

guy online??? gorgeous??? doesnt care??? Quick tip, gorgeous people dont use online dating sites. then someone says they dont care what you look like its bc they really want to get a picture to make sure you are worth their time. P.S. All hot chicks on the internet are really old dirty men......

Hmm. So he obviously did care...that's annoying. But this probably happens pretty often. I guess it depends on where online you met him too...some sites have more legit people than others. I think 2 or 3 of my cousins found their spouses on J-date haha (and they're all very good-looking, successful people).

A secret plot to kill you.... nice going

#6, #9, #16 - I have to disagree. #6, is there was a chance that he was genuine, then you defeat your own point. He probably wasn't a creep, just an arsehole. And there are 'nice guys out there'. #9, you're wrong, not all guys care about looks as much as you think. I met a girl online who I love and who has an amazing personality - and she's gorgeous. But, I can honestly say I'd think that no matter how she looked. Personality comes first. #16, successful relationships between normal people can and do start online. 'Hot chicks on the internet' are not all old dirty men, and you don't have to be ugly to meet someone on the internet, as you say. It may have been an accidental meeting - perhaps through a social networking site, or through instant messaging. Bottom line is, don't write off the internet as a means for meeting people.

Well said! I met my current boyfriend online, we met in person not long after and have been dating for a little over a year now. I am the happiest I have ever been :)