By HDCkid - 05/04/2009 08:48 - United States

Today, I met a new client in person for the first time. When I went to shake his hand, it was made of plastic. Startled, I laughed thinking it was a practical joke. It wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 585
You deserved it 62 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kwbuzz23wk 0

#1 is an epic fail and when meeting a new person, especially a client, never assume they are joking until they admit to joking. but i can see how this happened


wowfmlife 0
caligal14 0

I agree with 2 and 14. That sucks!

What do you mean, he should have given his other hand? You have to use the same hand as the person offering the handshake or it doesn't work...

wnts2flyawy 0

Wow, that sucks. I'm sure the client understands though. P.S. I feel stupid for asking but...what does YDI mean? >.

Bookie2152 0

#23- You're right, you wouldn't forget about a fake hand, I'm just saying some things might be second nature, i.e., extending your right hand for a hand shake

#25 Dude I've been wondering the same thing. Someone else EXPLAIN. Btw, that sucks--hard!

sir_andy_mueller 0

That sucks.. But YDI means You Deserved It, which is one of the choices for the vote.

wnts2flyawy 0

Ah, gotcha. That makes a lot more sense now. Thanks!

babbling27 0

Unless you're a comedian or a clown, you can safely assume the client would not be joking. Also, for all the people saying it was the person with the prosthetic hand's fault, why would they extend their left hand when someone offers a hand shake? people need to be more accepting of disabilities.