By grem - 13/04/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's family for the first time. I was playing with his little sister by grabbing her arms and spinning her around. On one turn, she started screaming in pain. It turns out I dislocated both her shoulders. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 693
You deserved it 69 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

prttyyngthng 0

That's one HELL of a first impression.

the shoulders are supposed to stay IN the sockets? oh, oh dear.


lol @ #5 haha but that is so sad i mean ouch she s alil girll tht must kill

f_mylife24 0

okay seriously, way too many dads dislocating their kids shoulders.

You spun a child by her arms? Are you ******* stupid? YDI

haha this is the kind of thing that you guys will look back upon and just laugh.

Well at least now you know how overpoweringly strong your hands are, Clampy McStrongarm.

I got spun around like that a lot as a kid and that never happened to me. Hopefully your boyfriend's parents don't judge you too harshly! It's just an accident!

NicGstfsn23 0

omg thats awful i hope your boyfriends look past that, it was just a accident

I was the victim of this very same kind of incident when I was about three years old. It was my sister that spun me around by my arms.

this happened to me when i was 4, but only in one are. it was really painful, but like so many people have said, it happens to easily. i wasn't even being swung by my arm, and i was just being held