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Overreaction much?

By Anonymous - 04/10/2014 15:17 - Denmark

Today, my allergies flared up and I started sneezing. I guess my girlfriend was having a bad day, because she lost her shit and started telling me how annoying I am and how I can never do anything right. I'm not sure if we're still a couple, because she stormed out and won't answer my calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 019
You deserved it 3 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You think it's funny you mistreat your boyfriend over nothing? That's screwed up.


biasedshooter 24

Well hey bro, I think it's safe to say that she was most likely on her period...

Omfg hahaha I'm like that to my bf sometime! She'll calm down Little things like that **** with our hormones sometimes. Don't worry OP

You think it's funny you mistreat your boyfriend over nothing? That's screwed up.

and what justification do you have for treating a human being like that? that's ridiculous. if this happened to my boyfriend, I would get up and get him a box of tissues. not yell at him and walk out. OP, to be honest you are probably better off without her. no one deserves to be treated like that. and bless you, by the way. since I doubt your girlfriend said it.

JMichael 25

both you and OP's girlfriend need to grow up. how'd you like it if your boyfriend did shit like that to you?

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F OP's life and F your boyfriends life. Thats just wrong to do that to someome you love, when they didn't do anything. Sneezing isn't a crime.

sounds like a great relationship. because its okay to verbally abuse him as long as he does it back, right?

Being a girl, I hate it when some women try to blame hormones for their insanity. Hormones or not, that's a horrible and abusive relationship.

itcomesinthrees 10

Sounds like you're just being a bitch to me. I've got hormones too, and I don't treat my husband like that. If he's treating you poorly the best thing to do is end it, not stay and be a bitch about it.

Constant fighting and judging is not a healthy relationship. Maybe you should try to fix the problem. From what you described this won't last, or if it does neither of you will be happy.

@31 You're relationship sounds toxic and you should probably end it right away. You can't blame being a psycho bitch on hormones either saying that's just how girls are. It's not like you're the only person in the world who has to deal with hormones.

Wow calm down everyone. Think what you may about a relationship, what on earth gives you the audacity to call it abusive and/or toxic?! They yell at each other sometimes. Comparing it to a abusive relationship is very harsh to me. I yell sometimes, we all make mistakes in relationships. Do I abuse my boyfriend? No, I am a loving girlfriend 99% of the time. Sometimes I lose my shit. Not as bad as in the OP, but it happens guys. No one is perfect.

#64 I think people are suggesting #31 is in a toxic relationship because she said her boyfriend judges "every" little thing she does and that she's a bit mean when hormonal. Which when read from an external point of view sounds pretty bad

then000bster 16

There is a point to where getting upset at the other person is due to not being able to communicate between yourselves correctly and ends up hurting both people. It usually has to do with needs of the other person and this is where compatibility is important. Welcome to the joys of finding prince#33775 who fits you perfectly.

Seems like hormones are your excuse for everything try "self control"

lolol, using hormones as an excuse for being a crazy bitch... I swear females are borderline retarded. F*ck our lives for having to deal with women like you!

I wish I could thumb down your comment a million times! F*ck our lives for having to tolerate women like you.

Xandrick 22

blubblubbnb, I could've definitely needed someone like you when I was dating my crazy first ex. She also thought, "I am woman, therefore my misdeeds are excused."

Xandrick 22

"Sometimes I lose my shit" "We all make mistakes" Losing your shit is quite the mistake to make at times. That's something you need to work on and not excuse away.

heatherrr17 19

Maybe u shouldnt be together?

Wow, maybe she was having a rough day and needed to cool off. I get irritable when im having a rough day. However she did overreact a tad. GL op!

A tad... That's like dropping a nuke on your house because you saw a single mouse running around.

Totally! People just think we're mad out of nowhere It could be a underlining problem

RedPillSucks 31

Then that's what should be addressed. Don't just blow up on something unrelated, discuss the issue when it happens. That's what adults do

32... Your grammar makes me want to blow up like OP's girlfriend

#18: That's a totally justifiable reaction if there's a spider in your house. It's a little overboard for a mouse imo.

I feel sorry for you, OP...when the small things start to be annoying, it's a really bad sign!

I hate it when someone is sick and people automatically say they have Ebola. Ebola is horrid and it shouldn't be joked around with..

People have no problem laughing about the most extreme things, including murder. Why is Ebola not okay to joke about? Or is it like South Park where we have to wait 22.3 years to joke about it?

badluckalex 23

just give her some space and talk to her about later when she calms down

Once she'll talk to you again, ask her what it is that you do that bothers her and then calmly ask her to let you know about these things beforehand instead of randomly blowing up at you.

though that would be the simplist option, sadly there are a lot of people out there that dont have the confidence out there to do that. they "dont like conflict" sounds stupid, especially when it gets to this point.

It's still better to communicate this to her. I used to avoid expressing my annoyance to boyfriends, to the point where one of them called me emotionally constipated. But I worked on it. With my current bf I consciously make sure I talk to him as soon as I feel something. It got easier with practice. Almost 1 year together and we haven't had One fight, and nor do we harbor simmering rage. If couples can bring their concerns to each other calmly and politely before issues build, everything remains so much more stable.

Maybe she just needs some chocolate.

Why do you assume just because a girl is mad she's on her god damn period!

Not every girl that needs chocolate is on their period. I need some after having a really crappy day

#17 Why do you assume guys think we're always on our period when we need chocolate?

itcomesinthrees 10

Chocolate will actually exacerbate the symptoms of PMS. And she does not deserve chocolates for acting like that, anyways.

Your very rude! She was mad but something else may be going on, you don't need to be an asshole!

Astrum14 24

Chicks who use their period as an excuse to be bitchy are just looking for an excuse to be bitches. I say this as a chick who is capable of controlling myself, even when I'm on my period, rather than blowing up at people for tiny things and blaming it on "PMS" or "hormones".

Calm down, Melo.... It was just a question.