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By academicloser - 22/02/2011 17:19 - United States

Today, in an attempt to get some guidance from my college advisor, I emailed her, saying I was contemplating going to another school because I felt so helpless about my GPA, and was sure I wouldn't get my major. I asked for advice on raising it. She gave me instructions on how to drop out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 366
You deserved it 7 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't listen to her, and don't scream and Yale. Be as strong as an Ox,ford the stream, but don't go jumping off a Cambridge. You can be as rich as a a Duke or as famous as a Princeton, but getting good grades isn't that Harvard. Just study hard and eat a good meal, something like Brown Rice with Cornell.

Maybe you should have been more direct. If you said you wanted to go to another school then thats probably what she took it as. If you just wanted more advice then just say that you need some advice.


bravesfan112233 0
rallets 22

theres instructions on how to drop out?

Yes, rallets, there ARE instructions on how to drop out. You don't march into your classes, moon your professors, tell them to go **** themselves, and go get smashed at the bar.

rallets 22

#31, you're too retarded half the time to properly construct a sentence. I don't know how the **** you got into college.

the admissions interview must have been on the other half of the time, the lucid one

rallets 22

i knew i felt someone trying to get up in my ass...i wont be having that Zmeiler ;D but i was kidding, obviously you have no sense of humor. sorry about that :( college is overrated, i actually went to technical trade school :) good times, and id rather have that than waste a shit ton of money for 4 years so youre saying im a genius the other half, right? :D awesome!!

Just goes to show that no one likes a drama queen. Give them something to work with next time.

My careers adviser used to guide me towards doing a trade however I turned out fine

Just....just don't take the advice for your sake.

iSitt 0

her job was outsourced to IBM Watson

Follow those instructions to the letter.

you_failed 15

Ignore what she said, and go get some constructive advice. I'm sure there are competent, professional advisors out there, but how many stories have you heard about the ones that aren't?

heathersmorin 0

wow!! what a great advisor you have there. she's doing a great job!!

To raise your gpa you just need to get better did you not figure that out yourself?

Don't listen to her, and don't scream and Yale. Be as strong as an Ox,ford the stream, but don't go jumping off a Cambridge. You can be as rich as a a Duke or as famous as a Princeton, but getting good grades isn't that Harvard. Just study hard and eat a good meal, something like Brown Rice with Cornell.

lr4182 0

Unless you're a few tenths of points away, I don't feel sorry for you. you're not a kid anymore and not entitled to a free grade. you get the grade for the effort you put in. and apparently you didn't put in enough.

Unless the issue is that they genuinely don't understand what they are being taught. I had three different tutors at one point, plus constantly went in for help from the teacher, and was still failing my Algebra class because apparently I just suck horribly at Algebra. I aced all of my english, history, and other such classes but nothing with math.

erongetti 2

I agree chibichibi. I used to be a teacher & although some people can be very smart, sometimes you aren't going to "get it" no matter what. For this OP, I'd ask if he put in a true effort. If yes, then maybe listen to the counselor...this isn't what you were meant to do. If no, you're wasting your time on fml instead of studying!