By thenewone - 19/11/2009 20:09 - Brazil

Today, I met my boyfriend's parents. Later on, his mom pulls me aside and tells me to back off, saying he will never marry someone like me and he should be with a nice girl like his ex. They broke up after he found her in his bed with his roomate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 802
You deserved it 2 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow.. his mom sounds like a psycho retard

perdix 29

Dump your boyfriend then and there, and tell him the reason. Having a piece of shit mother-in-law will ruin your life, especially if you are marrying a mama's boy. If he has the cojones to cut the apron strings and win you back, you might have a chance.


Reality_bites 14

Damnrosi, I totally agree. OP: This is a situation that can spiral out of control really quickly. Please do not give her any ammo that she can use at a later date to discredit you by being disrespectful to her. Trust me anything you do and say, will be remembered and relayed to your son at any given opportunity that you are not within earshot. Like when she is on the phone to him. Or when he visits her without you. Or if you dont happen to live together, when she visits him. It is best to be polite and courteous to her (no matter what she says) and whatever you do, dont bitch to your boyfriend about her. Otherwise you could find yourself in a situation where the boyfriend is attacking you for supposedly disrespecting her - and when you tell him about her behaviour, he not only wont believe you but he will get defensive, he may feel that you are making him take sides. This will be the beginning of the end for the relationship because most guys faced with a choice between their family or their girlfriend will pick the family. DONT respond to her baiting because this will reinforce in her mind that her assessment of you is correct. If you must, take the mother aside and have a private conversation with her. Ask her gently why she feels the way she does. You may find she has nothing against you, she just misses the ex-girlfriend's friendship.

If your boyfriend doesn't stand up for you, walk away.

Tell the mom what she needs to hear and if still her views dont change listen to #50

Show her how awesome you are, show her how strong you are, show her that YOU are the girl in your boyfriends life, not her.

I always liked the girls my mom hated the best... so far it has worked out OK.

Tell your boyfriend about it and then ignore his psycho mother. After all, you're dating him not her.

She seems like a retard. Don't listen to retards. Doing that will get a country into 2 wars with no foreseeable end, for example.

Sounds like his mom is a trouble maker.

unloved763 0

Similar thing happened to me. My boyfriend's parents hate me but they loved his ex. She cheated on him.