By roomie487 - 06/10/2009 21:08 - United Kingdom

Today, I met my new roommate. I also met her stuffed animals, who introduced themselves to me. My roommate makes inanimate objects talk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 223
You deserved it 4 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be thankful she hasn't tried stuffing her hand up your ass and making you talk.

I dont see whats so bad about that. Unless youre one of those people who think they are cool and grown up by losing their sense of imagination.


i dont think this is all too bad until you start making yourself embarressed about havin her for a roommate.

My roommate has thirty or more stuffed animals in our room... they are creepy as hell... and I hate my roommate... I really want to figure out a way to get her to get rid of them,.... they literally make me nausoues.

antonioohama 0

And exactly why does this qualify as an FML?

That's really cute. Puppetry is fun. Get over yourself. I know plenty of "Grown Ups" who play video games and take them seriously. Are stuffed toys any worse?

Are people really so closed minded? What I would give for an acquaintance like that... All you normal people nowadays have no imagination whatsoever. Thus why I take such pride in being a freak. :D

DON'T CALL HIM AN OBJECT! It's okay CheerBear, he didn't mean it.

catanita 18

So what? As long as he is nice an polite....

This would be me tbh. This roommate is amazing

if it makes her comfortable , don't make a big deal. just let her do her thing. just to explain; I didn't have many friends so I sought them out through stuffed animals. and it is hard to detatch that connection.

Maybe she's secretly a professional puppeteer?