Biker troubles
By Crotch_Rocket_Rider - 06/10/2009 17:33 - United States
By Crotch_Rocket_Rider - 06/10/2009 17:33 - United States
By Moon-chan - 30/06/2019 00:30 - Netherlands
By Anonymous - 04/05/2024 16:00 - United Kingdom - Leeds
By Anonymous - 07/06/2019 12:17
By Kira - 24/04/2015 17:09 - Canada - Halifax
By Jerem88 - 06/08/2024 09:00 - United States - Nassua
By Anonymous - 18/01/2016 14:24 - Philippines - Philippine
By anonymous - 22/04/2011 10:50
By anonymous - 29/03/2016 22:50 - United Kingdom - Oxford
By Newny_Newny_Newny - 16/01/2025 15:00 - United States
By Mangled Shoelace - 02/02/2017 23:00 - United Kingdom - Renfrew
Well at least you tried... I would have just watched and said FHL to the person inside
Don't worry I bet the chicks dig that type of stuff......oh wait u fell of and tried to play it off?? Lol nvm ur screwed to walk over this earth as a zombie that gets murdered by one of the characters ib the movie Zombieland.... :D
did you ever think to put your other foot down(they wear motorcycle boots for a reason)
Not so. I ride a motorcycle too, and if you can't touch the floor with both feet at the same time, then you're riding a bike that's too big for you. The OP deserves it for wearing inappropriate footgear. Motorcycle boots either don't have laces (buckles, zips, etc), or have a flap (often with some kind of armour) on the shin that covers up the laces for this very reason. I'd put money on him not wearing a single shred of protective gear.
really how short is he if he can't put both feet on ground if he can't the bike is to big
He's probably too small for the bike and needs to shift his weight to one side in order to reach the ground with a foot. So right foot stuck on the clutch (shift lever) prevented him from being able to properly support himself and the bike with his left foot. The guy clearly doesn't know what he's doing but he told the story in a funny way at least.
NEVER wear anything but boots on a bike!!!
Ouch D:
Lol that sucks, well maybe you should tuck in your laces into your shoes haha sucks though
...You ride crotch rockets? Or should I dig my mind out of the gutter? Anyway... Pictured this and laughed hard.
Haha me too. I actually laughed out loud. At the mental picture, and the wording.. "It's hard to look cool when you fall over for no apparent reason...." Hahahahahaa.
I JUST realized what you were talking about. Best. Username. Evar.
Crotch rocket is (old) slang for sport bikes, or racer-type bikes.
I know what they are, I just am perpetually perverted, so my mind focused on the crotch part instead of the rocket. (Dick instead of bike, obviously).
this guy better be grateful, i'm the one who said "yes" on the moderate fmls. lol, but fyl dude, BIG TIME!
YDI for even trying to look cool. D-Bag alert.
OP wasn't trying to look cool idiot, he was just trying to look like a normal motorcyclist. Most motorcyclists look cool on their bikes naturally, and he said it was hard when you fall off
Haha, that's funny :P That's why you should always tuck your laces in your shoes! I learned that YEARS ago when I got my first dirtbike.
Actually, that's why there are motorcycle BOOTS. A REAL rider has them, and always wears them when riding. They don't have laces for just this reason. And they're a LOT better at protecting your feet and ankles from the crap on the road tossed up by your front wheel (and from other vehicles) and protecting you should you crash.
Well at least you tried... I would have just watched and said FHL to the person inside
...You ride crotch rockets? Or should I dig my mind out of the gutter? Anyway... Pictured this and laughed hard.