By roomie487 - 06/10/2009 21:08 - United Kingdom

Today, I met my new roommate. I also met her stuffed animals, who introduced themselves to me. My roommate makes inanimate objects talk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 224
You deserved it 4 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be thankful she hasn't tried stuffing her hand up your ass and making you talk.

I dont see whats so bad about that. Unless youre one of those people who think they are cool and grown up by losing their sense of imagination.


I think she's cool if she's that confident in herself to show off something that people like you find disturbing. I would love a roommate like that!

honeydew4u 0

my old roommate/exbest friend did that too. she even had different voices for each one. its all good man, just go along with it, and move out asap XD

This is not a FML, your life rules! I would love a roommate like that ;D

tony8pie 0

As long as she doesn't make them wake up in the middle of the night and scratch your eyes out, you should be fine!

That's AWESOME. But this should be on MLIA, not FML.

I don't know... could be YLIF if it goes far enough - like: "Oh Noo! Mr. Remote says 'I don't WANNA switch to the Playoffs! There's a Sex and the City rerun on!" Or... "Ms. Toilet likes her lid to be put DOWN at all times, Right, Ms. Toilet? 'That's right, sweetie!'" That stuff could drive a sane man to murder.

freepwnyride 0

Aw this is cute. (: I'd like a roomie like that, BUT only if her stuffed animals are not nocturnal.

could be worse, my girlfriend does that

kathyfan 0

It could be worse. I had a roomate who never showered. At least your room doesn't smell.