By heightdifference - 28/11/2013 16:34 - United States - Memphis

Today, I met the guy I've been talking to online for two years in real life. He tried to convince me to have his children because they would be average height. He's a midget and I'm 6'2". This is the most romantic thing anybody has ever said to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 047
You deserved it 5 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ask him if he could if he could get u free presents from Santa first.


It's not the size that counts. It's how you use it.

How pray tell will OP use his physical height?? Getting things from the bottom shelf perhaps?

Standing fellesho (ps I know that's spelt wrong)

Fellatio is oral sex on a man, you dolt. *********** is performed on a woman. If you're going to talk dirty, at least have an idea what you're talking about.

you FML Bcoz u will like him or he said romantic things to u...u suck by posting this here.

So no one is going to take issue with this dude trying to convince her to have his children? We don't even know if OP was talking to him romantically for two years or whether they were just friends.

Hey, it's probably true, you never know! (I know, I know, not the point)

You should gotten catfish to do the meeting do there would be an episode xD

Good things comes from small package. Just saying.

Crickety 6

I don't get why his height makes that big of a difference. Obviously he interests you if you spoke that long. Give the guy a chance before you decimate two years.