By ggbhghggg - 18/11/2009 23:04 - United States

Today, I missed my bus. I had to ride my bike 2 miles. Once I left, some jerk nearly hit me. I flipped him off and shouted obsceneties. It was my dad, offering me a ride. He left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 679
You deserved it 42 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

popatia 0

Why would he nearly hit you if he was going to offer you a ride? It doesn't make any sense to me.


dude... grow up its 2 miles... as i say this, im waking 3 to get home... panzy

Yeah its 2 miles and u have a bike u lazy ass

You might want to look before you do something like that. And two miles? Omg you're gonna die.

Really?? Ur bitching about 2 miles on a bike?

memyselfandI07 1

Omg i LOL'd too much at this.

I'm a overweight fatass and can say that 2 miles is ******* NOTHING. Go complain somewhere else princess.

seriously, 2 miles? I ride my bike 6 miles to school, and 6 miles back. Even when it's raining, freezing or something like that. So STFU about those 2 miles

Are you ******* kidding me? Obviously you need to start walking or riding more often.... I'm overweight and I walk 2 miles to school.. It's nothing. Stop complaining . And you need to workout if you can't ride your bike 2 miles...

Only two miles, and you're complaining? People these days.....

Oh no! 2 miles?!? Boo ******* hoo. Deal with it and get some exercise

It's sad how lazy some people are nowadays. You shouldn't be taking the bus if you only live 2 miles away and own a bike. Save the money and start riding you pussyfoot