By oops - 31/03/2015 01:52 - Australia - Newtown

Today, I needed to pee at my friend's house. His bathroom door is often left closed even if there's no one in there, so I knocked just to make sure. His stepdad opened the door stark naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 955
You deserved it 2 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"So what did you do today?" -I "met" your step dad.

That'll be a fun conversation to have at the diner table.


Willibobs 33

Okay... So is it just my FML that's ******* up? Read a few more and they are all messed up... eg saying 'mah' instead of my. I don't like it :(

Thank goodness you didn't do what I did! I saw my roommates BF naked when he stepped out of the bathroom and I proceeded to burst into tears and run to my room and refused to leave the rest of the night.