By technical - 31/03/2015 02:50 - United States - Mount Vernon
Same thing different taste
By aineroo - 05/11/2014 21:25 - Ireland - Galway
By J - 11/02/2009 07:14 - United States
By DeepFriedLettuce - 29/04/2016 01:33 - United States - Vashon
Thanks, I think?
By Skimilk - 18/02/2010 02:47 - Australia
By Anonymous - 05/07/2012 19:10 - United States - Findlay
Conspiracy watch
By Veeee32 - 18/11/2021 07:58
Life hacks
By just walk away - 07/04/2022 01:00 - United States
Got milk?
By IHaveNoIdea - 10/06/2024 22:00 - Australia
Overreacting a tad
By phonnah - 20/06/2012 17:59 - United States - Bowie
By Kimmiko - 04/06/2009 12:17 - Germany
Top comments
Do you work as a professional dream killer?
They could still do a low calorie milkshake diet. Doesn't have to be zero, right?
Nope. I mean, healthy foods have calories, so they can supplement themselves partially through liquids too.
Or they could do a normal diet, meaning eating healthy food and working out, not living off liquid...
This sounds like the people in my nutrition class.
Wow are some people that stupid
Not neccessarily stupid, maybe just slightly ignorant and naive. The majority of these types of "<specific food> diets" are based on childish belief in easy solutions, coupled with unrealistic presentations and, often times, outright lies.[See especially a massive amount of women-oriented magazines.] Instead of telling people that they need to follow the long, hard and nutrition-wise complex task of changing to a healthy diet, keeping it up and exercising a lot, these diets promise easy solutions by simply reducing your diet to one product. ["And it only takes 2 weeks!"] After being offered the choice of picking something that definitely works but requires a lot of effort, vs. something that supposedly works with very little effort, many people simply go straight for the second one... but instead of realising that these methods don't work, they simply jump from one fad to the next. And because they're so used to just trusting these methods blindly, they don't question the scientific basis behind them.
But most people know that milkshakes are inherently unhealthy
Diet sodas also have 0 calories.
They're also crap for you and are worse than regular soda
I still have no idea how that works. I mean, there's stuff in them, so surely there is some energy content?
The sugar substitutes they put in them are not able to be broken down by the body like natural sugars so they just aren't used so no use=no energy.
Of course they're not good for you, but that doesn't change the fact that OP's definitive "all beverages have calories" statement was thoroughly wrong.
Celery has only 6 calories and it actually burns more than 6 calories eating and digesting it.
They don't. They have at least 1 calories and are anyway very bad for you in large quantities.
Black coffee has no calories.
Black coffee also tastes better than many sodas
Same goes for tea.
I want a smoothie
Zero calories isn't necessarily good. I'd prefer 200 calories of a fruit smoothie than 0 calories of some diet fizzy drink...
^legend! Every fad dieter seems far more concerned with calories, sugar and fat counting... They seem to forget that their body actually needs those things along with the vitamins and minerals that come along with them
Hey at least you saved them the trouble of going weeks drinking nothing but fatty drinks!
Offer them some gripe water as an alternative

Do you work as a professional dream killer?
They could still do a low calorie milkshake diet. Doesn't have to be zero, right?