By aliqi - 12/05/2012 20:48 - United States

Today, I noticed a little white ball in the corner of my bedroom ceiling. I guess it had been there for a while already, but the teeming mass of baby spiders crawling out made it a lot more conspicuous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 310
You deserved it 3 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

janelly16 7

Reading this gives me The chills

Kill it. Kill it with fire, a massive book, a chainsaw, bleach, water, your hands (not recommended), a sword, juice, liquid nitrogen, grenades, a minigun and possibly a thumb tack. Last option: burn house down.


If the ceiling is white and the walls are white, it would be hard to notice. Besides, who really looks up at the corners of their walls anyway? Consequently, I checked every corner in every room of my house after reading this. Edit: This was a reply to another comment but got put here. Oh well.

Kill them all except one and call him Nemo.

bowser_rawr16 13

That happened at my grandma's house when I was little. I was in my aunts bedroom, when she and I noticed the ceiling was getting darker, and when we looked up, the ceiling was showered with itty bitty baby spiders. That was the most screaming I think I've heard in my entire life. lol

robert76 5

Yeah, uh, first thing I'm doing when I get home today is checking ALL of the ceiling corners in my house!!

catanita 18

That little white ball is the egg sack.

Oh my godness, I don't mind spiders,but to imagine then growing in your room? Eck

timmy007 0

I would never sleep in that room again if I were you. I'm terrified of spiders