By aliqi - 12/05/2012 20:48 - United States

Today, I noticed a little white ball in the corner of my bedroom ceiling. I guess it had been there for a while already, but the teeming mass of baby spiders crawling out made it a lot more conspicuous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 310
You deserved it 3 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

janelly16 7

Reading this gives me The chills

Kill it. Kill it with fire, a massive book, a chainsaw, bleach, water, your hands (not recommended), a sword, juice, liquid nitrogen, grenades, a minigun and possibly a thumb tack. Last option: burn house down.


ProShadows 1

I just look at alll my egdes in me house

As an arachnophobic, after reading this I had nightmares and now I can't shake the sensation that there are spiders crawling up my legs as I lay in bed. Congrats, OP, this is the one FML to rule them all.

brevolorio 5

What did you think it was a magical snowball or something

I'm scared of spiders! I'd totally be calling my fiancé to get rid of it!

lolmandi 9

One baby spider wouldn't bother me but when it's a **** load of them....that's when the freaking begins. Start killing OP.

I had them come out of my bathroom vent when I was doing my hair creepy

alisidewinder 9

Your army has just hatched. Now is the time to train them for world domination!

I dont really spiders.... Tarantulas are cool but the black widows that keep popping up in my yard and wownt quit multiplying have got to go.

So that means... Charlotte?!?!? Charrrrlotteee?!?!? ... :'(