By Anonymous - 01/04/2012 13:53 - Australia - Perth

Today, I offered an elderly man my seat on the train. He thanked me by winking and offering me a seat on his lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 571
You deserved it 3 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrBoredGuy 1

That was very sweet of you. It's good to know some people still respect their elders. Now if only there were a way to tell which elders actually DESERVE that respect...


perdix 29

He just was trying to indicate that he wasn't THAT old ;)

That's his way of giving thanks by embracing you.

This is like the time me and Roger had sex. Don't go down that path.

Elders have nothing to lose, so can't blame him for trying

Wicked361 8

When you said disco stick I thought of Lady Gaga Love Game....

She's NOT A NUN. Jesus! No offense, Noor.

ImSoEffedUp 10

It could have been worse... He could've offered u a seat on his face... I know probably a lil uncalled for, but couldn't resist.....

bertman21 5