By Anonymous - 01/04/2012 13:53 - Australia - Perth

Today, I offered an elderly man my seat on the train. He thanked me by winking and offering me a seat on his lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 571
You deserved it 3 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrBoredGuy 1

That was very sweet of you. It's good to know some people still respect their elders. Now if only there were a way to tell which elders actually DESERVE that respect...


Old men need love too:) at least he was polite about it. Kinda like he was joking and not being mean:)

tiffanyslapp 18

Today, I walked in to my room to find my mother in my old Halloween costume. FML

jgaff69 0

Omg old guys are so creepy this old guy tried grabbing my ass once he was like such a creep

Was he the old creepy neighbor from family guy