By flowerging - 11/04/2013 04:53 - United States - Stony Brook

Today, I offered to pay my boyfriend to buy me flowers. He still refused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 503
You deserved it 16 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why on earth would you do that? You can't be that desperate honey, go get yourself a guy who treats you well.

Why in the world do you have to pay him to do that!


escobar07 10

Yeah i don't buy a urinal flowers after using it either.

If he refuses to buy you flowers even if your gonna pay, maybe you don't need him unless he's getting you something else

missd420 16

Sounds like you should be saving your money and finding a new boyfriend.

If you are so desperate to get flowers go buy them yourself or get a guy who will

Sounds like something my partner would do

sweetie nobody should be that desperate. I think he's making it clear how he feels.

it sounds like he's making it clear that he's just not that into you.