By waymoreiwanted - 15/02/2014 03:21 - United States - Ashland

Today, I opened up a Snapchat from my best friend. I received a full and detailed view of her and her boyfriend having sex. All I wanted to know was how her Valentine's Day dinner went. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 987
You deserved it 9 632

Same thing different taste


From your username I assume you wanted a video?

Bang bang bangity bang, i said a bang bang bangity bang!

ThomasBombadil 31

Booze had to be involved. Makes a lot of things seem like a good idea at the time.

Damn, it must've been so good she wanted to show it off.

avril2nite 2

I wonder who took the picture..

I wondered the same thing.. maybe she has a camera app with self timer.

69 is a dinner for two. So it probably went well.

XxXBadAshXxX 27

Dinner went well. Dessert went exceptionally.

Who took the video, that's pretty talented