By Anonymous - 13/11/2015 15:51 - Netherlands - Sevenum

Today, I opened up to my best friend about my depression. Her response: "If you're so depressed, why don't you just kill yourself?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 210
You deserved it 2 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's ****** up. Please don't listen to her and seek help from someone who actually cares about your wellbeing.

I suggest you get a new supportive friend OP.


Not surprised you're depressed. You'll find people who care, or maybe see that someone else cares for you already. Good luck to you :) It really does get better.

What the ****? That is so wrong in so many levels. Such a sickening person she is. I seriously hope you seek help from someone, OP.

Reminds me of that Cameron Dallas tweet: "don't be depressed. Smile." Or something like that. People are idiotic. Op, Google your local crisis hotline. They will just listen, crisis or not. Depression is serious and the right people will take it seriously. Look into your mental health resources and -please- use them. Therapy + medication can do wonders.

Ashter 20

I suggest you get yourself a new best friend. And some professional help. Don't give in to the darkness.

Oh honey no...No way in hell do best friends wanna see each other go. For example if my best friend committed suicide then shit, now we have two suicide cases cuz I'm going too. That "best friend" needs to be replaced ASAP. It's best to eliminate toxins in your life for the sake of happiness. If you feel the need to commit suicide, call the suicide hotline PLEASE. It's intimidating at first but they're there to listen when you feel like no one else would. I hope you pull through OP.

Wow what a response as someone who suffers depression, inherently if you ever need to talk but definitely talk to a councillor or some one who can help

Don't kill yourself and lose her as a friend

There are many sites on the Internet that you can chat about this issue and seek The help you want and you can also stay anonymous I hope you get help soon good luck

That's not a friend, joking or not. You deserve better and shouldn't listen to the **** or have that in your life