Nice to see you
By eyegouger15 - 13/11/2015 16:32 - United States

By eyegouger15 - 13/11/2015 16:32 - United States
By Rohirus - 07/06/2012 23:09 - Sweden
By ugh - 12/03/2010 06:05 - United States
By chantelle - 12/03/2021 21:01 - Australia - Sydney
By Anonymous - 16/09/2023 10:00
By huh - 02/06/2012 20:31 - United Kingdom - Troon
By Anonymous - 14/07/2012 20:10 - Nigeria - Lagos
By fucking hell my eyes burn - 23/05/2014 22:46 - Germany
By mountains - 19/11/2012 00:47 - United States - Pembroke
By Anonymous - 13/03/2010 09:17 - United Kingdom
By madisonnkelly - 06/07/2015 03:18 - United States - Dallas
Be optimistic... it could have been 2 balls..or a dick.
Or 3 balls could be worse but I hope you forget soon OP
Could have been two balls AND a dick.
Keep eating processed meat you'll get that ass cancer too
It's a catch 22. You eat the bacon, you get ass cancer. You don't eat the bacon, then you don't eat the bacon. It's a sad world indeed.
Don't make lite of ass cancer... or meats.
Go back into your room and stare into the sun...that will make you blind so this doesn't happen again
But he will always have a the memory engraved in his brain
Think happy thoughts
what has been seen, has been seen.
that was perfect.
Then that will be his last memory of vision. Haunting him for the rest of his life.
It's stuff like that that you don't forget. Eh, you've both got them, though. You've spent enough time with yours, I'm sure.
*passes you the brain bleach*
y r u bothered abt ur dads balls?
Why aren't you?
y what's wrong with the spelling?
This is FML not texting...even though FML is an lingo...
Some parents need to learn boundaries
At least it was only one ball... :/
Still no bright side :/
You are a delicate flower.
Not anymore.
Hey, not everyone can be glamorous when they wake up in the morning. :p
Go back into your room and stare into the sun...that will make you blind so this doesn't happen again
Be optimistic... it could have been 2 balls..or a dick.