By btoker - 15/10/2015 16:16 - United States - New York

Today, I opened up to my boyfriend about being sexually abused in the past. He said it explains why I'm "such a bitch" when it comes to personal contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 069
You deserved it 2 331

btoker tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. He is my ex now, because I decided that his aggressive undertones means I might be in for a repeat. He is pretty aggressive in general, and this is one of a few examples so its probably best to move on before its too late. I'm 22 years old and was abused at 16, so he doesn't understand how I couldn't be over it by now. I'm currently looking for other places to live because we live together. Thank you all for the positive support, I am going to try to get myself into a better situation as fast as I can.

Top comments

He's a douchebag and I seriously hope that you dumped him. Sorry for what you went through, OP!!

What happened to you wasn't your fault, get rid of him


bye bye boyfriend hello self love. kick his ass to the curb.

First, please let me apologize for hitting YDI; you did not, my finger slipped. I hope that you have disentangled your life from that man's. You don't deserve further abuse for having been abused.

it very well may be the reason you have an attitude when it comes ro personal contact. .he makes sense just the message delivery was a little direct if he broke up with you because of it he is an asshole if he wants to stick around for the rough journey of healing he may be worthwhile. .as for the abuse history please seek counseling to help guide you in a healthy healing process. .good luck

OP... congrats on the positive move/choice/decision in your life. I can tell you from experience both as an abused party and as an ex-law enforcement person that the only way out for some people is to make the choice yourself and unfortunately not many victims can take that step. I am happy to see you moved on from that. No one needs or deserves something like that in their lives.