By btoker - 15/10/2015 16:16 - United States - New York

Today, I opened up to my boyfriend about being sexually abused in the past. He said it explains why I'm "such a bitch" when it comes to personal contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 069
You deserved it 2 331

btoker tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. He is my ex now, because I decided that his aggressive undertones means I might be in for a repeat. He is pretty aggressive in general, and this is one of a few examples so its probably best to move on before its too late. I'm 22 years old and was abused at 16, so he doesn't understand how I couldn't be over it by now. I'm currently looking for other places to live because we live together. Thank you all for the positive support, I am going to try to get myself into a better situation as fast as I can.

Top comments

He's a douchebag and I seriously hope that you dumped him. Sorry for what you went through, OP!!

What happened to you wasn't your fault, get rid of him


NineeCat 32

Then you just go on ahead with your bitchy self, and punch him square, in his ******* face:)

Very glad you left him. A man who loves you would never respond that way when told that kind of information. I've been a victim of that abuse myself and my hubby supports me and what I went through. You deserve love and compassion. You're not alone.

You want me to beat him up for you? Seriously, though, what happened to you wasn't your fault and you deserve better. I hope you can find peace with it. (I can beat your abuser up, too, if you want.)

I hope you dumped him after you drop kicked his assistant out a damn window

if i were you i would drop him like hes hot and never look back. hes an ass no one needs in their life.

I must be the only person that sees a problem with her hating every touch. just because one guy did it doesnt mean this one will. its tramatizing yes, but if you realize its not the same guy and get over it youll be fine. YDI imo

You haven't lived OP's life. Nor do you have any idea about their experiences. It's so easy for to to judge them without knowing them. Show some compassion. Not everyone likes to be touched, traumatizing experience or not.

I'm sorry? Your comment is ridiculous. All abuse victims KNOW that they're dealing with a completely different human who LOGICALLY will probably not hurt them, but who wants to take that risk? Anxiety is not logical. You will probably spend the rest of your life second guessing every interaction with every human you come across. Will this one hurt me? If I let my guard down just a little bit, is that going to be when they strike? Is this one going to be okay? Etc. Those are the kinds of thoughts that go through my head constantly, even with people I've known for years, ever since I was raped two years ago (within two months of finding out my ex was cheating on me). Even before that, I was molested as a child, and it took almost a decade before I had the courage to try dating. I don't go places alone without telling a close friend when and where and who I'm with, because what if they kill me this time? What if it's worse this time? What if something bad happens? I haven't spent time alone with a man in the last two years because now it's just constantly lurking in the back of my mind that, yes, they are very capable of injuring me, and I don't want to be in that situation again. The idea of anyone getting physically close to me is very upsetting, because my mind just automatically leaps to the fear and the disgust and sensations of those terrible experiences. NO ONE "deserves it" when they are trying to protect themselves, "illogically" or otherwise. You are an incredible prick.

It doesn't matter if not every guy does it. it's about her life being invaded and having no control. it makes physical contact awful. even just hand holding. ever felt dirty yet you're physically clean? you can scrub and scrub but never get clean. that's how you feel. being sexual abused isn't just that. it's more you lose trust in humans. in people close. you feel like you are being judged. or will blame you and you also question yourself. you feel vulnerable. like if you open up and let your guard down you will get hurt. hurt by someone you trusted or loved and it hurts to think like that but it protects so it works. don't ever say Ydi and to get over it. it isn't like flicking a switch. if it was ud press it first

So I have a theory that this is actually the now ex-boyfriend. Either case, clearly this woman's trauma is inconvenient for someone else, so she should just get over it. Have a little humanity you repulsive prick

#49, You don't ever tell someone who has been abused to "get over it." PTSD is a real thing, trust me. I was abused as a little girl and almost 20 years later, I am still not "over it.

If I smacked you in the face every day for a year, I guarantee that you'd flinch if someone else raised their hand toward you.

just a little bit of advice, make that information available early in the relationship. Had some stuff happen to me back in the day, hurt more later to talk about it.