By btoker - 15/10/2015 16:16 - United States - New York

Today, I opened up to my boyfriend about being sexually abused in the past. He said it explains why I'm "such a bitch" when it comes to personal contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 069
You deserved it 2 331

btoker tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. He is my ex now, because I decided that his aggressive undertones means I might be in for a repeat. He is pretty aggressive in general, and this is one of a few examples so its probably best to move on before its too late. I'm 22 years old and was abused at 16, so he doesn't understand how I couldn't be over it by now. I'm currently looking for other places to live because we live together. Thank you all for the positive support, I am going to try to get myself into a better situation as fast as I can.

Top comments

He's a douchebag and I seriously hope that you dumped him. Sorry for what you went through, OP!!

What happened to you wasn't your fault, get rid of him


Stop telling survivors of rape and sexual assault that they'll " never get over it" Good luck with your journey OP

Some might be able to, but many can't. It's common that they have to deal with it, and they need to know that it isn't them. It isn't something wrong with them or them doing something wrong. If someone can move on and not let it affect them that's fantastic! But I'm not going to lie and tell someone they can because if they can't, what does that say to them?

As offensive as it might be to hear, the boyfriend may have a point. He needs to find a woman who is more sexually open. Simple.

sailorarctic 22

I hope you rethought your relationship with him OP.

No man should ever do that. I hope you left him after that... sorry to hear what happened. I hope you find someone better that will show more respect and appreciation to you!!

cosmicdancer84 7
MzZombicidal 36

So????? As if she doesn't know that? I was sexually assaulted by someone I was very close to and trusted my life with and they took advantage of me. You know what that does? ***** someone up. You TRUST someone and they ATTACK you. That is not something you can get over, even if you realize that everyone else isn't that person. The scariest thing about evil people is they look just like everyone else.

Ninjerman 7

Now single and interviewing hitmen

unwagedwriter 8

Asshole! I hope you leave him. I have been through a similar thing and all my boyfriends were wonderful about it. (Not to sound like allllllll, like I had so many but I was single and didn't get married until I was 34. Obviously I had a few relationships along the way)

that's uncalled for. lemme guess. he's an "ex" boyfriend now.