By Anonymous - 22/03/2012 06:40 - Australia - Saint Marys

Today, I overheard a girl and a guy sitting behind me on the bus who were talking about Skyrim, one of my favourite games. After a while, I turned around and, as a fellow gamer, thanked them for restoring my faith in humanity. They went very quiet. I'm now that weird guy on the bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 834
You deserved it 38 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I used to be that guy, then I took an arrow to the knee

Relax. You were probably that weird guy on the bus WAY before this incident.


You can't say gamer without staring with gay. Ok, that's not fair to the homosexual community. They actually contribute to society.

awepeach 3

Aw dude come on. You are not weird. You probably just shook them up a bit coming out of nowhere on their conversation. And the "faith in humanity" part, I could see why they would be left with a "?" look on their face. Are you depressed about humanity? Then they wouldn't know quite what to say. So... ok maybe it is a little weird that a game would restore your faith in humanity. But not weird in a bad way, just sort of like you are having a hard time being happy or something. Anyway it's all in how you look at things. I hope (but doubt) this helped. Take care. (You are not awkward. Ugh, stopping thinking like that.)

megantaylor0412 4

I used to be tht person except they were talking about the hunger games

I would of given you a high five for knowing a game other than CoD.

I think there are bigger issues concerning humanity than the kind of video games they play.

im in my uni library, while reading your post i just busted out in to hysteric laughter. everyone looked at me while im going bright red. I’m now that weird girl in the library.

alychick 5

This wasn't funny until I took an arrow to the knee. Lol!!