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By Anon. - 01/03/2011 23:51 - United States

Today, my girlfriend thought it would be sexy to stick her finger up my ass during sex. I screamed like a little girl and barely managed to finish. Afterward, she said, 'Now you know how it feels.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 619
You deserved it 91 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sam_stalker 0

op she didn't think it was sexy, she did it for revenge >=~}


imsh0rts0watt88 1

not at all he can now get her back twice as bad. if you know what I mean * surprise anal*

why would she do that haha. that's kinda... out there. get her back big time.

If you think surprise anal us possible you have never had anal sex before. lol

that's why you have to talk about sex. you can't just assume what the other person likes or not. talk about it and find out how you can make the sex (even) better.

yazmi_09 3

op's gf has a good point there

perhaps he tried the surprise root before, hence why she surprised him back (root - aussie slang for sex, not a typo)

hahaha B 4 I ROOT U R U /16 ? summer heights high ftw :D brisvegas ftw too :D

DeesFMLs 0

#79 aussies for the win biatch :)

pimplayer 0
QueenOfBoredom 0

damn you that's what i was gonna say

FunwithBumperCar 0

Take a baseball bat, some lube and earplugs. Its payback time!

Yeah 198 .. & I don't think she was trying to be SEXY, if she wanted you to Know how it feels. Maybe she wanted to show you that it's very annoying when men just want anal. plus, it's gross. POO BOX!

Milly143 3

hahaha you finished despite a little finger in your butt good shit lol haha

he can still give her some surprise buttsecks

YayaInLalaLand 0

*sexist joke about women not being smart*

*sexist joke about men only thinking with their dicks*

#23 I luv u as well raywilliamjohnson RWJFTW. also, #2 ROFLMFAO

Sorry to break it to you, 162, but I don't find that offensive. I think of it as a compliment ;D

zakkyzebra 11

Get off the computer and go make a sandwich.

lol, 162, you crazy feminazi! go make a sandwich before men take back your rights.

162 so what your saying is that I get straight A's because of my penis and when I think when I'm playing sports is because of my dick

benefiits 0

213... you can only get A's? you know bra sizes go higher right!?

Surprise buttsecks is way older than =3

I agree, how far can she even get a finger up THAT far before the guy yelps like a little bitch and pulls away.

htaylor 1

if there is anything to him there is no surprise. and next time he might get worse than her finger.

sam_stalker 0

op she didn't think it was sexy, she did it for revenge >=~}

I_R_Genius 3

This reminds me of the time Kay tried to shove a big black ***** up my ass, but didn't work. Then king dinga ling came along and was able to do it. Oh sorry, I'll stop talking about my fantasies.

I_R_Genius 3

How are my comments stupid by chance? I was just saying my fantasies I have about ling ling and Kay.

It's ok Genius, we all have those fantasies. Mine are usually about Doc and Boners though.

Wh...wh...what?? You mean "Doc OR Boners", right? I'm sure Mrs. Bastard would not approve otherwise.

Doc, it never even crossed my mind that I would need Mrs. Bastards approval.

Life_is_FML 22

well.. that's awkward. she's got a point though..

I'm a dude and I would yell to. but that is fuking hilariou

dude if that happened to me I would yell too. but man, that is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!

Hyogoko 0

she does have a point, up his ass that is lol

Avenged7Gabe 0

well it feels different for girls than guys

It's true, men have an extra gland that women don't that make it more pleasurable for them.

Yeah, but most people don't like a finger shoved up their ass without warning. I certainly don't. And I doubt it OP or OP's girlfriend did either.

dirtyblond 4

whoooa!thats some pretty hardcore stuff..

its not THAT was just a finger :/

thrAsHeRr9081 16

That is nowhere close to hard core lmao.

dirtyblond 4

it was a little more than obvious she was being sarcastic.

hahah seriously they sit on then Internet all day, you'd think they could pick up sarcasm.

KUSHaholic 0
Jacksparrow72 21

Your girlfriend is awesome. You might feel a little violated now, but as the years go by and your sex life starts getting stale, you'll remember she did this & realize the door to explore is open.

kornhead09 0

While I understand the point your trying to make, in this context your comment really creeps me out.

A little violated? Well, it depends whether she did it nice and slowly or damn fast (probably the last one, otherwise I really doubt OP would find it a FML. The prostate is a really sensitive thing.), but I think it's very wrong to feel violated by your partner, even a little bit. OP's girlfriend can speak, so she could also say 'no, I don't want anal' or 'it hurts, quit it'. Taking revenge is not good, nor healthy. From personal experience I know it can be tough to say 'no' to something your partner really is enjoying, but if it hurts, you simply have to stop for the sake of your emotional and physical health. If OP's girlfriend didn't dare to say anything, except on this way, then she is the one who deserves the pain. I really doubt OP was not willing to stop if his girlfriend asked it.

94, write a novel why don't you! what a load of crap, I couldn't even be botherd reading it.. blah blah blah

TaylorTotsYumm 10

122, that's because I highly doubt that you would (or could) read anything longer than two sentences and that didn't have pictures.

CommonSenseKarma 17

Ignorance can cause cancer. Remember that, kids.

Yeah, sometimes saying no just isn't good enough. After telling my boyfriend I wasn't interested, I saw his google search bar said "how to make anal less painful" the next day.

sassypants93 17

122- How would you know it was a load of crap if you couldn't even be BOTHERED to read it? Personally, I believe she made good points. You might know about them if you were able to read them without getting a headache.

he needs to know how to clear browser's history

he needs to know how to clear browser's history

RedPillSucks 31

DjeePee, While you're correct from a therapy perspective and your points are good, you also have to realize that women are not socialized to say no to men, especially during sex. It's a battle they still have to overcome. Yes, I know it's the 21st century, but the 15th century still rules.