By Anonymous - 21/03/2015 08:55 - United Kingdom - Aberdeen

Today, I overheard my dickhead dad telling my girlfriend she's too good for me, then asking if she wants to settle for someone like me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 954
You deserved it 2 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NakuEh 27

Gotta love dads. Ruining relationships one statement at a time.


my mum did the same thing to my last bf. I'm not sure it's meant to work that way :/

Tell your girlfriend not to listen to him. Ever

Well maybe this a blessing in disguise, if she actually leaves you, thank your dad for helping you dodge a bullet!

serslybro 20

What is up with dads lately!? Sorry op. If she's a good gf she won't listen to his comments and decide for herself.

what a dick! parents are there to support their children not put them down!!

how bad are you for your old man to sell you out

Subliminal message : You dad wanted to get ride of the girl without hurting her feelings. So he took a really manipulative - and a bit psychopathic- approach and tried to make a believe she was too good for you. Clever dad.