By Anonymous - 21/08/2015 19:02 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, I overheard my husband telling his friend that he wished a zombie apocalypse would happen in real life, so he could take me out back and shoot me without having to worry about going to prison. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 571
You deserved it 2 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does that mean the only thing stopping him from killing you is law? i really think you should divorce his ass!

If you have a husband that thinks so negatively of you, you guys should talk. It won't get better by ignoring it, be honest and open about your feelings, don't lie it'll only get worse!


I really hope there was more to then conversation that you were missing

Every married man has had this thought at some time or other. Doesn't mean they'd actually act on it..

Tell your husband I can make your death look like an accident for 10k just look me up on crigslist in the mechanic

This is why we have a little thing called divorce

Tell him if he wants you out of his life then you will be more than happy to divorce his ass. If that was his attempt at a joke it isn't funny.

um... I think that's a sign that you need to get a divorce.

smarti1809 12

girl, you better run for he try to do it for real

Literally just him joking with his friends about "wife problems" every man does it. The people saying "divorce his ass" prob don't know the whole story and should keep their mouth shut.

TallMist 32

IDC if it's a joke or not. If my spouse was to say they'd kill me if the law would allow it, I'm getting the Hell away from their ass. If he's not joking, he's a very dangerous and likely psycho. If he is joking, it's a sick joke.