By Anonymous - 25/12/2011 07:28 - United States

Today, I overheard my mom telling my younger sister not to use my razors because she "doesn't know what I may have." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 985
You deserved it 4 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It appears that your mom's razor sharp words have cut you too deep.


kateheartswaffle 0

Generally a bad idea to share razors anyway. Nasty things other than STDs, such as staph, can spread. Your mum sounds a little mean if she doesn't have a reason to think you're sexually active..

jaredjudd21 2

Why would your sister share a razor with you anyways. That's almost like incest.

That's disgusting, irrational and totally not funny.

cj7geojeep 0

Please, Jared, explain...why the hell is that like incest? Its a razor..not a giant purple *****.

75, ....I thought it was kind of funny. Get a sense of humor (;

I'm sensing that your own mother thinks you're a sl*t. FYL But she's right, sharing things that maybe contaminated with blood leads to catastrophic consequences. again FYL

Just tell her it's ok, stupid isn't contagious. Do it quickly without thinking about it. Trust me.

HogwartsDropout7 0
xoxPatrina 8

You're moms just trying to teach your sister young, not to get around.... (:

I dont know why moms are like that. :/