By Anonymous - 25/12/2011 07:28 - United States

Today, I overheard my mom telling my younger sister not to use my razors because she "doesn't know what I may have." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 997
You deserved it 5 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It appears that your mom's razor sharp words have cut you too deep.


What was ur sister going to do with that razor anyway?

I would imagine she was planning to shave with it.

She planned on using it to floss -_- She's going to shave, genius.

kg163401 0

She was probably planning on eating it

FMLsOhilarious 6

Wow, that's a really messed up thing for your mom to say. But why would you be sharing razors anyway, isn't that kind of personal?

flockz 19

it's ok sasquatch, no one understands us. just keep in there girl, stick and stones, sticks and stones that's all it is!!

your comment made me imagine OP's legs as two boar-bristle brushes. Keep up the good work. ;)

eyeIoveyou 4

what about chewbacca? he needs some loving too :'(

That's so funny but mean at the same time

You must be pretty dirty for your mom to assume you've caught something. Either that, or she's just jealous that you get more action than she does so she takes it out on you by talking shit. Lol

perdix 29

Not exactly, sharing always is caring, but when it comes to personal devices, it's just dirty and creepy. I'd like to share my Real Doll with you, but it just wouldn't be right.

FYLDeep 25

You'd have a hard time passing off something as used as that anyway.

perdix 29

I'll tell you what you should have: razors that only you use! Ps: Sorry that you require multiple razors, you must be one hairy broad. Get really drunk and treat yourself to full-body waxing!

RedPillSucks 31

By body waxing, you mean getting ****** so hard it seems like he's making butter in her vajayjay?

lmao! #59, wtf are you talking about!? Receiving a Hair Removal Waxing at a salon is slightly different than pounding the pulp outta some poor girl's privates!!! Making butter!? Omg, lol!!! :D Gonna assume yer just joking here...

"Pounding the pulp outta a poor girl's privates?" Haha that was eloquently stated. Well done sir, well done.

Side addition: "Treating yourself to a full body waxing" was about as much of a treat to me when I tried it on a dare, as having the dentist pull your wisdom teeth out, through your asshole. The few main differences I see between the two acts is One, pulling your teeth would be faster, and Two, you only have to pull out your teeth once. Damn hair keeps coming back. :P Second side note: many apologies for the harsh visual but being on the same thread as "making vaginal butter" man, I didn't think I could really make it worse. Sorry. :p Oh yeah, third note: Never Waxing Again. I'd rather piss glass.

FYLDeep 25

You shouldn't use anyone else's personal hygiene products at all. You shouldn't have to be told this. Do you use her toothbrush as well?

Are you retarded? Re-read the post! Op clearly states that her Mom was talking to op's sister and referring to op. FYL man

FYLDeep 25

Eh whatever, same thing goes to the sister. Tell her what I just told OP. And remind her to breathe while you're at it. She sounds too dumb for words.