By lance - 12/03/2010 12:10 - Canada

Today, I parked my car to go inside to grab my wallet than I'd forgotten. In the short time it took me to do that, someone broke two of my car's windows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 314
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste

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Welcome back to the best and largest site for dating successful singles and admirers in the world! You can find tens of thousands of matches and friends right here, especially those in your city. 1 The best club for seek ing the rich singles, sex y beauties. ...what's the most important is that you don't have to be a milli onaire, but you can me et one. ... w w w . w e a l t h y s e e k e r . c/ o m Welcome back to the best and largest site for dating successful singles and admirers in the world! You can find tens of thousands of matches and friends right here, especially those in your city.

yessirfosho 0
Drumr3oy 0
Mac10nikka 0

where's snickerdoodles when shit like this be glad to give you ;)

how do you know someone broke them? ..maybe they broke themselves

Damn that sucks so bad I would flip out & then cry if someone ****** with my car

buttonface 0