By Cam - 21/05/2012 22:38 - United Kingdom - Holsworthy

Today, I photoshopped a picture for my Facebook profile so my stomach would look a little flatter. I came back later, only to find someone had said, "What in God's name is this? Is your belly duck-facing?" and half a dozen other insults. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 237
You deserved it 43 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like u need to learn how to use photoshop a little better

YDI for Photoshopping your facebook profile.


Be proud of your body. You can't be that bad :)

reddudeover 2

Says the girl with the insanely hot pic which either means you're insanely hot and can't relate to people with bad bodies, or it's fake and you're a damn hypocrite.

maninthebox11 8

Hahahahaha ^ totally agree

chlorinegreen 27

Well I'm guessing it not her since she's only 12

Well what did you expect? That it would actually look real... Idiot!

What's the point op? Everybody on Facebook you actually know is aware of what you really look like, and everyone you don't know doesn't give a shit what you look like, because odds are if they're adding you on Facebook and you don't know them they're just trying to up their friend count to feel good about themselves.

Anyone else read the FML with "fatter" instead of "flatter"? Maybe just me. But again, that single letter makes all the difference OP was trying to achieve.

Yeah i read it and i thought she said fatter instead of flatter. Great minds misread alike

Maybe she was obese and it looked like a PAC man face when she photoshopped her stomach

Trisha_aus 15

You can't fool the people you see everyday using photoshop..why not try using weight if that's what's bugging ya! Saves the embarrassment no?

maninthebox11 8

If this was in america, i would say that we are too lazy to do that... But they're from the uk and i don't know anything about them.

maninthebox11 8
Trisha_aus 15

I meant *losing weight not using weight..god damnit autocorrect!!!

TarieBoo 2

Main- maybe youre just too gotdamn lazy? not ALL Americans are.

probably shouldn't use the liquify tool without's tricky and can make your pics look lumpy

xDropsOfJupiterx 8

Obviously you dont like your body because you photoshopped your stomach. Why dont you try and loose weight instead of having to photoshop?

It's dangerous to tell her to loose weight.. Weights should always be properly secured and tight.

RandomComments 6

Editing your pictures is like false advertisement.

And yet she probably still left it as her profile.