By Cam - 21/05/2012 22:38 - United Kingdom - Holsworthy

Today, I photoshopped a picture for my Facebook profile so my stomach would look a little flatter. I came back later, only to find someone had said, "What in God's name is this? Is your belly duck-facing?" and half a dozen other insults. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 234
You deserved it 43 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like u need to learn how to use photoshop a little better

YDI for Photoshopping your facebook profile.


Come on OP you don't need to be doing that stuff. If your unhappy with your body start eating healthy and excersing.

People always using photoshop these days. Wtf. A picture of you should be the real you not a fake. Don't become a plastic girl. Just loose the weight if u don't like how u look.

50/50 here. I know how it feels to want to make yourself look thinner/better than you actually do because of all the cruel people in the world, particularly the ones who hate anyone that's over a size 6 or 8. That's why so many people are anorexic and bulemic. However, OP shouldn't have Photoshopped their picture because anyone who really knows them would be able to see past it, and obviously comments like the duck face one would ensue. But contrary to what many think, it's not that easy for everyone to lose weight. There could be a genetic issue, low metabolism, or even a health problem. Some people live off rabbit food (lettuce and salads) and exercise but still can't lose weight. Others eat enough junk food to make Willy Wonka blush and not gain a pound. It all varies. So that argument is invalid.

It's not invalid. Using genetics as a crutch is idiotic. "People living off rabbit food and losing no weight" are still doing it wrong, you have to eat foods that get your metabolism going. Studies have shown that you can actually influence your future genetic pool by using proper fitness techniques. Stop encouraging people to live sedimently just because there "could be a genetic problem."

The only time I Photoshop pictures for facebook is if I'm doing something that's obviously fake like on the red carpet or something.

First off, ydi for photoshopping, especially for fb and if u want ppl to think it skinny, then just loose the actual weight

GeeUnit 8

Just be happy with who you are & don't photoshop it.

Insecure much? Be proud of who you are OP ;)

People can be so ****** up, you shouldn't have to photoshop any of your pictures you should be happy the way you are! Just saying,