By Cam - 21/05/2012 22:38 - United Kingdom - Holsworthy

Today, I photoshopped a picture for my Facebook profile so my stomach would look a little flatter. I came back later, only to find someone had said, "What in God's name is this? Is your belly duck-facing?" and half a dozen other insults. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 237
You deserved it 43 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like u need to learn how to use photoshop a little better

YDI for Photoshopping your facebook profile.


chlorinegreen 27

Or maybe she needs to realize that those people aren't her friends and to delete them immediately. No one should be bullied like that. Have some dignity and stick up for yourself!

Shadow_Phantom 26

It's not bullying, in my opinion. They're commenting that her picture was badly done. They're telling her the truth about her photoshop "skills," not insulting the OP herself. I know if I photoshopped something of myself, for some reason, that I would appreciate my friends pointing out the flaws of the photograph, thus leading me to removing the picture or correcting my mistakes.

28 are you that sensitive to think that's bullying? I'd hate to see you go out into the actual real world or even deeper into the internet if you think that is being bullied.

reddudeover 2

I photoshopped a pic for facebook too, but it was more reasonable. I gave myself 20pac abs and a 10ft dick! Nothing came of it total waste of energy.

Only 10ft? Jeez you gotta get into the triple digits

reddudeover 2

So basically just photoshop a whale as my genitals? Lol.

Don't photoshop. Be proud of who you are and don't try to be something you're not.

As Lady GaGa says you were born that way and God makes no mistakes. You are perfect the way you are. Don't use Photoshop

God makes no mistakes? Hmmm...thats debateable. I'd say Hitler was a big grey area.

Lady gaga, who is a man??? Think you need to find some one not so fake to use as a reference..

Shadow_Phantom 26

He's only a "mistake" to you because history has been falsely laid out to make him look like one.

116, Anyone who is directly responsible for something referred to as a "death camp" is generally not going to be the most stand up individual. I know I know, he probably loves puppies and cute little lolcat photos but then I'm sure Saddam did too and we both know how ugly he was. And what was with his fashion sense? Total hobo.

Lady Gaga also says: "I like meat dresses."

God doesn't make fat people, people that God made, make themselves fat by living a sediment lifestyle. No one is perfect, but photoshopping your pictures and doing nothing to lose weight isn't the answer.

Lizzy500 16

Sediment lifestyle? That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

152 thank you, I looked it up, I was aiming for sedentary.

perdix 29

You could either lose weight or take a Photoshop class. Almost everyone who loses weight gains it all back, but I've never heard anyone forgetting everything they ever learned about Photoshop. Which course makes more sense to you?

Awe poor girl:( don't fake things to up your ego. Instead of creating a fake tummy and wasting time taking pictures, get outside and swim, run, bike, etc. You'll feel better and wont need the pointless approval of those jerks on stupid Facebook

tearsliberation 0

If you're photoshopping a picture to make yourself look thinner just realize what types of clothes flatter your body that you should wear to help make you look thinner. That and get better photoshop skills

theneatoburrito 8

YDI for actually caring enough about what other people think of you that you had to change your appearance. Sorry OP, but what anyone else thinks is irrelevant, as long as you're happy.

Ydi... Everyone knows what you really look like anyway so why bother? Pathetic...