By Cam - 21/05/2012 22:38 - United Kingdom - Holsworthy

Today, I photoshopped a picture for my Facebook profile so my stomach would look a little flatter. I came back later, only to find someone had said, "What in God's name is this? Is your belly duck-facing?" and half a dozen other insults. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 237
You deserved it 43 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like u need to learn how to use photoshop a little better

YDI for Photoshopping your facebook profile.


If you're insecure about your stomach, easiest thing to do is not take pictures showing your stomach. You unfortunately had to choose option B and you're paying for it. I hope you learn from this.

lolmandi 9

No one is perfect. Just be happy with how you are:)

Did anyone else read it as 'duck-f***ing' instead of 'duck-facing'?

Don't show your belly on a picture if you're not comfortable with it then. Simples.

If you don't like your body, eat healthy and exercise. Simple.

How the hell would someone's photoshop skills be so bad that their belly was making a duck face? Because the only thing that makes me picture are things that should have been noticeable to her before she posted the pic as not looking good... like a duck-bill like protrusion from the middle of her stomach.... I'm too confused by the technical aspects of her FML to be yelling at her for being shallow...

and dear lord, my eyes are bleeding from all the commenters that can't tell the difference between lose and loose... there are dictionaries crying somewhere and bursting into flames!!

andrewmemoirs 2

I really don't understand half you people on here...some people are uncomfortable with their bodies whether they are around their friends or not. we all have something we are self conscious about. I'm sorry but you didn't deserve it, and the rest of these people are assholes, and so are the people who left the comments on your Facebook. the reality behind this is that people who make fun of you are just self conscious about themselves because they feel inferior to others. downvote all you want but that just proves my point.

No one forced OP to include her stomach on the picture. So if you're nog comfortable showing your stomach, choose a pic with just your face. Photoshopping your stomach to make it look better is in no way justifiable. That's like a doctor photoshopping an X-ray to heal your broken leg.

115 You make me laugh, yes people are ass holes, but as 119 said, she shouldn't have included her stomach in the photo if she was self conscious of it. You coddling the OP and telling her that they were all wrong for voicing their opinions in a place specifically designed for such, is only hurting her. If she wants confidence she'll just have to lose her stomach, and find it herself, you're not going to help by telling her their wrong.


That's what you get for using photoshop.