By Anonymous - 05/05/2009 21:42 - Canada

Today, I pissed my younger brother off. Seemingly unrelated to this was the fact that I left my laptop on in my room along with MSN signed into my email adress. Now, all my contacts know that I apparently "just love the warm feeling of semen sliding down my throat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 845
You deserved it 32 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who cares? its not hard to say 'that was my brother' and noone will take it seriously...


hahaha...that really sucks, but the same-ish thing happened to me...except it wasnt that bad, but i still feel for you. Just explain that it was ur bro.

#11, guess again...he deserves it for...I don't know, leaving his MSN alone, signed on? If you have people in your house who are apt to take advantage of that situation you're stupid to not sign off when you leave your computer alone. FYL for having that happen, but it's easily explainable by just telling your friends your younger brother did it. Who actually would post that anyways? I mean, it's probably quite obvious it was someone else.

wowyoufail 2

#26 you should just die for being awful at jokes...if your I girl than that's hot if your a guy's funny

hahahah that suxs but good tactic from ur little bro

Revenge, simple as that. Be sure to make it as bad as posible, make him want to kill himself. Do it!