By Anonymous - 05/05/2009 21:42 - Canada

Today, I pissed my younger brother off. Seemingly unrelated to this was the fact that I left my laptop on in my room along with MSN signed into my email adress. Now, all my contacts know that I apparently "just love the warm feeling of semen sliding down my throat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 845
You deserved it 32 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who cares? its not hard to say 'that was my brother' and noone will take it seriously...


fallingforever_fml 0

xD ! wow . that was a win . but i have some questions . Are you a guy !? How old is your brother ?! And is he single ?! OH . And we now know not to piss off younger siblings . Good things never come from that .

People probably will take it as a joke. My OLDER brother changes my msn name all the time and no takes them serious, so don;t worry.

Shshshar_ssscene 0

thats why you don't piss off your little brother!

Ugh, don't you hate when people do that?? My friend once said "Mimi (my nickname) has a burning sensation in her throat" on my Facebook status... not cool.

wowfmlife 0

Haha omg your brother is awesome!!

ur brother is a genius...haha i guess u know not to mess with him anymore

Eh, that shit is routine for people with siblings, and especially dudes with male friends. Just give him the standard brotherly ass-beating and laugh it off, if not explaining what happened to people stupid enough not to deduce it was a prank. Not an FML unless it cost you a relationship or some crap. Seriously, what male with a social life hasn't gone through this at the expense of his buddies?

you got owned by your little brother, maybe you should learn to sign off of your messenger accounts then huuh?