By msarosi - 28/04/2013 10:28 - Canada - Port Perry

Today, I popped a pimple while stopped at a red light. When I looked over the woman in the car next to me was laughing, and had her camera phone out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 169
You deserved it 16 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must have had a HUGE, Osmosis Jones style pimple to elicit that reaction....


That is... wrong. 1. She filmed you without your permission. 2. She found you popping a pimple funny. I'll never forget that time someone filmed me picking my nose. It's annoying, and a violation of privacy. FYL

In any public place, a picture can be legally taken, as an officer, I'm sorry to pop your bubble.

What is it about being in a car that makes people think they're invisible? If everyone can see what you're doing, someone is going to find it funny or video worthy.

You should've written down her license plate . FHL for not having something better to do.

rg350dx 29

I fail to see the practical use of writing her license plate # down. You cant report her to the authorities for being a bitch.. Unless you plan on using that information to find out where she is and video tape her popping pimples in her house or something. Although I'm pretty sure that borderlines stalking.

Well, that way they could track the lady down and make her erase the video. I don't know if I am wrong, but I think it is ilegal to record someone without their consent, and OP didn't seem like she enjoyed it.

Well, apparently it's legal. The more you know. FYL, OP.

Public place, not illegal. Tough shit lol I can take pix of you in ur yard and u can't do anything. Unless say u have a fence that is meant for privacy which is have to tiptoe to reach. Then it's illegal

Wow what a bitch... If she feels that she has the right to laugh at other people's imperfections then she must be perfect *sarcasm *

You were simply "scratching" your face with two fingers, same as Jerry was just "scratching" his nose...

I wonder why she thought it was THAT funny>.

kiki_1070 22

Maybe she has a secret grudge on you?

Yes, because we all know the random person in the car next to you at a stop light secretly wants to ruin your life, take your job, and sleep with your significant other.

LeapingTurtles 4

what a bitch you should have looked over and said i saved the inside for you !! lol

That would be something out I my nightmares. I'm sorry you have to experience that OP