By msarosi - 28/04/2013 10:28 - Canada - Port Perry

Today, I popped a pimple while stopped at a red light. When I looked over the woman in the car next to me was laughing, and had her camera phone out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 169
You deserved it 16 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must have had a HUGE, Osmosis Jones style pimple to elicit that reaction....


Sad part is she can legally take that pic and there's not a damn thing u can do. Only in places where privacy can be expected or maintained is it illegal. Ur car is legal, hell pix of ur front yard are legal. Inside ur home, very illegal

The sad thing is OP popped a zit in the car. Do that shit in the privacy of your own home!

septembers_over_fml 3

Some people are just THAT bored.

I dont get it? not like she could of seen every detail of it lol

That's why you don't pop pimples where people can see you.

Seems like you'll be AFV winner on the next season.

You do realize that the most likely reason she was laughing and had her phone out was that she was... talking to someone on it?

Yeah, it's 2013, you can stop saying "camera phone" every phone has a camera.

Not everyone has one. Jeesh thats like saying "Its 2013 you can stop saying 'cell phone' every phone is an iphone".

The phone I recently bought(last year) has no camera. Yeah, it was the cheapest option. And its a TracFone. Sue me.

Lili_love 14

was she pointing the camera at you? if so, fyl. If not then how do you know she was even paying attention to you? don't over analyze stuff, op