By Anonymous - 27/08/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, I pretended like I was dead to my 4 year-old brother. He cried my name for a couple of seconds, then took my iPhone out of my hands and ran away laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 896
You deserved it 43 668

Same thing different taste


christa953 12

okay so you died with your iPhone in your hands?

Jensine95 0

1. Why are you doing it to a 4 year old? 2. Couldn't you just take it back? Duh. 3. He could have known you were not dead by seeing you breathe or something. 4. Could of been a test to see if you were really dead.

he's four he isn't gunna think too see if she's breathing or not..

nobody_u_ko 0

why would u pretend to be dead to a 4year old u deserved to have ur phone takin and it's not really a fml cuz u obviously got it back if you posted that

seems like your brother has a bigger brain than you do...

Great, creating another generation of iDiots. You chased him down to get it back, and he realised you weren't dead, huh? GG