By Anonymous - 27/08/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, I pretended like I was dead to my 4 year-old brother. He cried my name for a couple of seconds, then took my iPhone out of my hands and ran away laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 896
You deserved it 43 668

Same thing different taste


schwancy 2

He's 4... and you're an ass.

thats when you scream zombie and grab him. make him shit his pants for stealing your phone

the_boob 0

hahaha, this made me laugh more than it should have. zombies ftw

twoo87 0

I see he can be bought off easily

rofl @22 hey least he cared for a couple of seconds or mins. :) but smart kid

rofl @22 ;) i'll use that one next time

turtlemansam 6

I bet you have the iPhone 4. It's irresistable

YDI for doing that to your baby brother. I bet he knew you were faking. Massive failure.

TengoCojones 0

wow FYL man for having a little bro who doesn't care for you