By Anonymous - 27/08/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, I pretended like I was dead to my 4 year-old brother. He cried my name for a couple of seconds, then took my iPhone out of my hands and ran away laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 896
You deserved it 43 668

Same thing different taste


UpYoursInAdvance 0

LMFAO you better not leave for College! LMFAO!!!!

he probably knew you were faking. ydi for underestimating your brother.

Johnny would have knifes in his tool box O3O

melons122 3

Haha smart kid :) your lil brother is hilarious. just sayin...

Error504 6

That was hilarious! YDI, though. You must do stuff like this to him all the time for him to react that way. (That, or he knew you were breathing)

KianaCaca 10

Sophia?? Haha that would be so funny if this was my sister :)

every time I try to act dead my nephew just jumps on me

that's brotherly love right there I think :/

fml22221 0