By Anonymous - 27/08/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, I pretended like I was dead to my 4 year-old brother. He cried my name for a couple of seconds, then took my iPhone out of my hands and ran away laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 896
You deserved it 43 668

Same thing different taste


ArielTheMermaid 17

then.....go get it back. he's 4 it can't be that hard

SpazzyJazzy325 0

ahaha, and the Oscar goes to....

Haha maybe he realised you were alive.

I did that one time and ended up being pinched in the face " just to make sure I was dead"

Nederlander95 14

Maybe he assumed you were passed out/asleep, in which case, smart move

Four year olds sometimes don't understand death...

Let's all just hope that your browser history was cleared before this event.