By Cottagecheeseha - 20/08/2012 04:03 - United States - Monterey Park

Today, I pulled out a book and my bookmark fell out. My crush picked it up and a weird look came across his face. I then realized I had used toilet paper. Now I'm the girl who reads while taking dumps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 664
You deserved it 6 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm reading this fml from a toilet so i can't really judge.

Dont we all in some way shape or form?


Being a guy, I know for a fact that if the guy liked you, he wouldn't care... I mean, it wouldn't change his opinion of you. So he either still likes you, or didnt like you to begin with.

why do you think they invented wireless networks?

Why didn't you just fold the corner of the page you were on instead?

How come no one has mentioned Seinfeld?

Don't we all have something in our hands while taking a dump??

roxyartist 8

Wow, they are all immature.

So? Everyone does it, even my 45 year old mom does it!

Well can you blame them if your book mark is toilet paper. This is why I like to read my kindle whilst doing number 2

So what? Not like most people don't take their phone into the bathroom with them, which is worse

Thats not weird I read in the toilet to and use toilet paper for a bookmark it means i don't dogear the book