By Oh dear - 05/07/2012 22:15 - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown

Today, I was taking a dump at a public restroom. As I reached over to grab the toilet paper, I realized someone had peed on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 623
You deserved it 2 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's things like that, that make me not want to use public bathrooms.

Come on girl, don't you know by now to check out the TP situation before you squat? Things like this are why my ass clenches up like a steel trap in most public restrooms. Even when I pee, I perch. Okay, sharing time's over... OP, ask your next-stall neighbor for help next time perhaps? Pee-ople can be such dicks (sorry, I had to!)


It's things like that, that make me not want to use public bathrooms.

Madden12 6

Doesn't matter. Had bowel movements!

I hold in the biggest ***** because I hate public restrooms.

This is why I always hold it in. It's not worth using a public bathroom. And on car trips avoid using gas station bathrooms at all costs. They are the worst. It's better investing in diaper just in case you can't make it to an actually place that has a decent bathroom.

Isaac_The_Man 0

I thought that was only a boy thing!Ö I remember in middle school everyone used to do that

What the **** dude? No one likes public bathrooms, but unless you live in the slums of Mumbai there is no way that ******** your pants is more hygienic than a rest stop.

Madden12 6

When typing "funny" just doesn't cut it anymore...

KaylaDawnn 5

I was JUST talking about this with someone. Apparently people like to piss on a perfectly good roll of toilet paper to watch it "expand" I knew guys did this, didn't know girls did it. -__-

That person must have the worst aim.

Or pretty good aim considering this is in a women's washroom.

Am I the only person who moves to the next stall? Or just wait until someone comes in the next stall! Problem solved!


Such is life in a public restroom

Come on girl, don't you know by now to check out the TP situation before you squat? Things like this are why my ass clenches up like a steel trap in most public restrooms. Even when I pee, I perch. Okay, sharing time's over... OP, ask your next-stall neighbor for help next time perhaps? Pee-ople can be such dicks (sorry, I had to!)

rcgirl2 11

And that's why I never use public bathrooms.

I thought that It was a known fact that nothing good ever can ever happen In a public bathroom.

kaymi 17

See one more good reason why I keep cottonelle wipes in my purse at all times. People are just nasty!

kaymi 17

And hand sanitizer for a emergency toilet seat wipe down. How can women not aim in a toilet, geez?!

NEVER under ANY circumstances go to a Fiesta to use the bathroom. JUST. DON'T.

perdix 29

#19, I knew you had to be from Texas -- no one else would know what Fiesta is. Once, I was in Home Depot and someone had shit on the floor right next to a toilet in the men's room. I don't condemn the whole chain, but I get nervous going to the bathroom there.

Oh. I didn't know it wasn't in other states. Well, when I went in there, there was shit all over the wall.